Sunday, January 22, 2006

why a guy loves a girl

One thing which always troubles me is why would a guy actually fall in love with a girl....ive never fallen in love so this is probably something i can never know but at the same time this love thing seems too irrational to be fallen into....
Now this friend of mine fell in love with this girl and even though he got rejected he's still deeply in love with her......over an year now (boy, tht girls missing something !!)..and this guy actually started listing out the reasons why he's in love with her :

* Cracks great PJ's
* Drinks a minimum of half a litre of tea per day......... in her own unique way
* Looks just awesome especially..and has a great sense of dressing
* Creates a lot of fuss about him (and he loves that !!!!! )
* Has a sweet melodious voice
* Has thin lips ( ?????????? )

Just for his sake i wish that he gets this girl .... or at least gets over her
O.K., now will any SANE guy plzz post a comment down here if its normal to actually HATE all these characteristics (except for the dressing thing)..who actually likes all these things...oh and may be i should add a bit more of background to it all, the guy fell in love with this girl and then after he was rejected he decided to think as to why he STILL love her.
LOVE might be blind but it surely shouldn't be insane !!!!!
Can anybody plzz shed some light on why a guy would fall in love ????? 'cause from my friends condition i think i'd prefer watching love on the silver screen than on my friends blog :p

"How similar the pattern of love is to the pattern of insanity" - Frenchman, Matrix revolutions


Anonymous said...

Ntn much to say here.. not that I have experienced love or something, but this is from one of the "message boards" from my class room back at school, n makes a lot of sense to me. I quote,
"Heart has reasons which reason cannot understand"

Anonymous said...

thankyou "barad"

Unknown said...

Although I too haven't been bit by this great "love" thing, but i do have some comments.
one of my friend thinks, "love is just an excuse to have s** "
I think one can never be too sure when one is in love or is it just infacuation.