Sunday, November 18, 2007


And so I continue on my quest. Time goes back to my school days...
There is a constant struggle to get good marks so that we can get admission into the next school I might have to shift (When you are moving every two years it does happen a lot). Then comes Tenth and you have to get good marks to get admission into sciences for eleventh. Ten you struggle for two years to get admission into a good engineering college where you struggle to get good grades for a successful MS application or perhaps your dream job. In your job you struggle to meet client deadlines and then you struggle preparing for CAT to get into a good B-School. In your B-school you are always having some deadlines to meet in your preparation for the corporate life.

Today we had the great Indian Tamasha of CAT exam for getting admission in a premier B-School of the country. More than 2 lakh students appear for the exam out of which probably just 5,000 will make it to a good college. Soon we will have JEE where again more than 2 lakh students will appear to get a seat into the IIT's

When exactly does life's struggle end? Or dies it never end... What happened to those happily ever after themes? When will my happily ever after moment come? Cleared JEE, Cleared CAT and here I am, assured of a good job my my B-School there still remains that element of unsatisfied needs, unfulfilled dreams and fading visions. Perhaps this is a way to understand our reason for existence... perhaps this is why we have life. Would there be so much fun in living if we didn't have the blips every now and then? Perhaps we will never know because as of now... nobody can put the tag "Happily Ever After" on their lives.

"He who would live must fight, he who will not fight in this world where eternal struggle is the law of life, has not the right to exist"

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