Sunday, February 01, 2009

Blogging eh!!

Well, long time since the last post. This time with a renewed interest in blogging. It so happens there have been a lot of people hopping onto blogging around me these days. And I have really seen those guys writing some good posts. Being a very older blogger (been more than 2 years now), I thought this was the right time to begin my blogs once again.
And in case any of you has been following my blog regularly, and desperately want to know what is going on in my life, well I have a job in this job market and will get the joining letter also in the same job. Though I am looking for a bridge job, something like so many bridge funds being arranged by companies these days to meet their debt obligations. I need something similar in the form of a job till I get my final joining letter from Mumbai.
Let's see, the college gets over on 22nd Feb, and I should have a few months before I can join the new place, so that's a lot of time to pass. Maybe a committed teaching experience in some NGO should do some help although I would also like to get some moolah so may be some career coaching institute which nowadays pay more than teaching in the actual career college for which they coach you.
Anyways, lets see whats in store for me, right now the biggest problem is motivating myself to do something meaningful in these months.

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